150 - The Horrors of Fox Hollow Farm with Richard Estep - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World

Published: Sept. 28, 2019, 6:06 p.m.


Author and paranormal investigator, Richard Estep, returns to talk about his chilling brand new book, The Horrors of Fox Hollow Farm: Unraveling the History & Hauntings of a Serial Killer\\u2019s Home. Fox Hollow Farm is the beautiful Indiana home, complete with indoor pool, where Herb Baumeister allegedly murdered numerous men from the gay community in the 1990s. Is it haunted? And if so, who by? Visit BigSeance.com/150 for more!


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In this episode:

Episode Teaser :00

Intro :56

The groundbreaking Serial podcast, the popularity of True Crime, and an introduction of the story you\\u2019re about to hear today. 1:37

Pouring the tea! Today I\\u2019m drinking \\u201cShare My Blanket\\u201d tea by the sponsor of today\\u2019s episode,\\xa0Nuwati Herbals. 3:17

Please welcome author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep to the parlor! Richard returns to the podcast, this time to share his encounters with the haunting of the infamous Fox Hollow Farm, where Herbert Baumeister allegedly murdered numerous men from the LGBT community in the 1990s. 4:25

Richard\\u2019s parlor drink! 6:38

Some backstory of Fox Hollow Farm and the family that currently lives at the estate. 7:40

During Richard\\u2019s investigations of Fox Hollow, he made a point to never sleep there. 10:20

The number of men who lost their lives at Fox Hollow. 10:29

A \\u201ccomplex haunting.\\u201d 13:56

Who or what is haunting Fox Hollow Farm? Plus, being sensitive about the details of such a recent crime case. 15:25

Who was Herb Baumeister? How did he lure his victims? 17:30\\xa0 \\xa0

The pool in the basement\\u2026 and the mannequins. That\\u2019s right. MANNEQUINS! 21:03

The one victim who survived and helped to break the case. 22:37

The strange news footage Herb was featured in just before he was caught. 24:00

Herbert Baumeister is sometimes known as \\u201cThe I-70 Strangler.\\u201d 26:00

Discovering bones in the woods. 26:48

How did Herb\\u2019s family NOT see the signs?! 28:25

This episode of The Big Seance Podcast is sponsored by Nuwati Herbals - \\u201cHerbal Remedies from Mother Earth.\\u201d Visit\\xa0NuwatiHerbals.com\\xa0and use the code\\xa0BIGSEANCE\\xa0to receive 15% off your Nuwati Herbals order as a THANK YOU! 29:26

More on Tony Harris (pseudonym), the lone survivor and the only living witness. 31:09

A dangerous love story. 34:23

\\u201cSounds like Joe (SLJ)\\u201d and \\u201cThe Frog.\\u201d 36:57

Being dragged under the water. 39:00

Richard shares some of the experiences from his investigations of Fox Hollow Farm. 40:10

Some great EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) evidence! 42:45

Paranormal activity always happens off camera! 47:55

Final thoughts from Richard Estep! 51:50

A special THANK YOU to\\xa0Patreon supporters\\xa0at the Super Paranerd and\\xa0Parlor Guest\\xa0level! 54:09

Outro 6:06

International Podcast Day\\xa0is September 30th! How will YOU celebrate? 57:48


For more on Richard Estep

Richard\'s most recent previous appearance on The Big Seance Podcast (#136).

Richard\\u2019s first appearance on The Big Seance Podcast (#44)


The Horrors of Fox Hollow Farm on Amazon

Richard Estep on Facebook

@estepr\\xa0on Twitter


The Big Seance Podcast can be found right here, on\\xa0Apple Podcasts,\\xa0Google Podcasts,\\xa0Pandora,\\xa0Spotify,\\xa0TuneIn Radio,\\xa0Stitcher,\\xa0and\\xa0iHeart Radio. Please subscribe, submit a rating, or share with a fellow paranerd! Do you have any comments or feedback? Please contact me at\\xa0Patrick@BigSeance.com. Consider recording your voice feedback directly from your device on my\\xa0SpeakPipe page! You can also call the show and leave feedback at\\xa0(775) 583-5563\\xa0(or\\xa07755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the s\\xe9ance!\\xa0\\xa0

