You Think; You're So Smart

Published: Dec. 28, 2015, 2:17 p.m.

b'Sure you have a big brain; it\\u2019s the hallmark of Homo sapiens. But that doesn\\u2019t mean that you\\u2019ve cornered the market on intelligence. Admittedly, it\\u2019s difficult to say, since the very definition of the term is elusive. Depending on what we mean by intelligence, a certain aquatic mammal is not as smart as we thought (hint: rhymes with \\u201ccaulpin\\u201d) \\u2026 and your rhododendron may be a photosynthesizing Einstein.\\nAnd what I.Q. means for A.I. We may be building our brilliant successors.\\nGuests:\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Laurance Doyle \\u2013 Senior researcher, SETI Institute\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Justin Gregg \\u2013 Animal behaviorist, The Dolphin Communication Project, author of Are Dolphins Really Smart?: The mammal behind the myth\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Michael Pollan \\u2013 Journalist, author of Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation and The Omnivore\\u2019s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. His article, \\u201cThe Intelligent Plant,\\u201d appeared in the December 23rd issue of The New Yorker\\n\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Luke Muehlhauser \\u2013 Executive Director of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute\\n\\xa0\\nFirst aired March 19, 2014\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'