Too Big To Prove

Published: Aug. 20, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

b'(Repeat) Celebrations are in order for the physicists who won the 2017 Nobel Prize, for the detection of gravitational waves.\\xa0But the road to Stockholm was not easy.\\xa0Unfolding over a century, it went from doubtful theory to daring experiments and even disrepute.\\xa0100 years is a major lag between a theory and its confirmation, and new ideas in physics may take even longer to prove.\\nWhy it may be your great, great grandchildren who witness the confirmation of string theory.\\xa0Plus, the exciting insights that gravitational waves provide into the phenomena of our universe, beginning with black holes.\\nAnd, physics has evolved - shouldn\\u2019t its rewards?\\xa0A case for why the Nobel committee should honor collaborative groups rather than individuals, and the scientific breakthroughs it\\u2019s missed.\\xa0\\nGuests:\\xa0\\n\\n\\nJanna Levin-\\xa0Physicist and astronomer at Barnard College at Columbia University, and the author of the story of LIGO, \\u201cBlack Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space.\\u201d\\n\\n\\nRoland Pease-\\xa0BBC reporter, producer, and host of \\u201cScience in Action.\\u201d\\xa0\\n\\n\\nDavid Gross-\\xa0Theoretical physicist, string theorist, University of California, Santa Barbara, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, winner, 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'