Smiley Virus

Published: Oct. 19, 2015, 2:30 p.m.

b'For many, the word virus is a synonym for disease \\u2013 diseases of humans, plants, and even computers. Ebola is an example: a virus with a big and terrifying reputation. And yet the vast majority of viruses are not only friendly, they are essential for life.\\nFind out how viruses make plant life in Yellowstone\\u2019s hottest environments possible, and fear your spinach salad no longer: a scientist recruits viruses to defeat E. coli bacteria.\\nPlus, a new study presents the disconcerting facts of just how far a sneeze travels, and viruses in another kind of culture: but is ours benevolent? Find out from the man who coined the term, \\u201cviral media.\\u201d\\nGuests:\\n\\n\\nDavid Quammen \\u2013 Science journalist, contributing writer for National Geographic Magazine, author of Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic. His Op Ed about Ebola appeared in the New York Times.\\n\\n\\nMarilyn Roossinck \\u2013 Professor of plant pathology and environmental microbiology, Penn State, Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics\\n\\n\\nPaul Ebner \\u2013 Microbiologist and an associate professor of animal sciences, Purdue University\\n\\n\\nLydia Bourouiba \\u2013 Physical applied mathematician, department of civil and environmental engineering, M.I.T.\\n\\n\\nDouglas Rushkoff \\u2013 Media theorist, author, Media Virus! Hidden Agendas in Popular Cultureand Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now\\n\\n\\nFirst released May 12, 2014.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'