Moral's Law

Published: Oct. 24, 2016, 2:33 p.m.

b'"If it bleeds, it leads\\u201d is the tried and true tenet of news.\\xa0Indeed, headlines are often no more than a long list of moral atrocities.\\xa0Yet one man argues that we\\u2019re living in the most civilized era in history.\\xa0And he credits this to scientific thought and reason.\\xa0\\nHang on!\\xa0Our executive function isn\\u2019t enough to promote ethical behavior, says a psychologist.\\xa0The real fuel behind our drive to be good?\\xa0Anger, compassion, pride: your emotions!\\nBut whether or not you\\u2019re a pillar of the community, good intentions might all be for naught when future ethical decisions are made by our silicon successors.\\xa0Get ready for moral machines. Or not.\\n Guests:\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Michael Shermer -\\xa0Publisher of Skeptic Magazine, author of\\xa0The Moral Arc: How Science and Reason Lead Humanity Toward Truth, Justice, and Freedom\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0David DeSteno \\u2013 Psychologist, Northeastern University, author of\\xa0The Truth About Trust\\n\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Colin Allen \\u2013 Historian, philosopher of science and cognitive science, Indiana University.\\xa0Co-author of Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'