Meet Your Replacements

Published: Jan. 5, 2015, 3:34 p.m.

b'There\\u2019s no one like you. At least, not yet. But in some visions of the future, androids can do just about everything, computers will hook directly into your brain, and genetic human-hybrids with exotic traits will be walking the streets. So could humans become an endangered species?\\nBe prepared to meet the new-and-improved you. But how much human would actually remain in the humanoids of the future?\\nPlus, tips for preventing our own extinction in the face of inevitable natural catastrophes.\\nGuests:\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Robin Hanson \\u2013 Associate professor of economics, George Mason University\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Luke Muehlhauser \\u2013 Executive director of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Stuart Newman \\u2013 Professor of cell biology and anatomy, New York Medical College\\n\\u2022\\xa0\\xa0Annalee Newitz \\u2013 Editor of, and author of Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction\\n\\xa0\\nFirst released July 1, 2013.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'