It's In Material [rebroadcast]

Published: March 16, 2020, 4:22 p.m.

b'Astronauts are made of the \\u201cright stuff,\\u201d but what about their spacesuits?\\xa0\\xa0NASA\\u2019s pressurized and helmeted onesies are remarkable, but they need updating if we\\u2019re to boldly go into deep space.\\xa0\\xa0Suiting up on Mars requires more manual flexibility, for example.\\xa0Find out what innovative materials might be used to reboot the suit.\\nMeanwhile, strange new materials are in the pipeline for use on terra firma: spider silk is kicking off the development of biological materials that are inspiring ultra-strong, economical, and entirely new fabrics.\\xa0And, while flesh-eating bacteria may seem like an unlikely ally in materials science, your doctor might reach for them one day.\\xa0The bacterium\\u2019s proteins are the inspiration for a medical molecular superglue.\\nPlus, an overview of more innovative materials to come, from those that are 3D printed to self-healing concrete.\\xa0\\xa0\\nGuests:\\n\\n\\nNicole Stott\\u2013\\xa0Retired NASA astronaut, artist\\xa0\\n\\n\\nDava Newman\\u2013 Professor of Astronautics and Engineering Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology\\n\\n\\nAndrew Dent\\u2013 Vice President of Library and Materials Research, Material ConneXion\\n\\n\\nMark Howarth\\u2013\\xa0Biochemist, Oxford University\\n\\n\\nMark Miodownik\\u2013\\xa0Materials scientist, University College London, author of \\u201cStuff Matters; Exploring the Marvelous Materials that Shape Our Man-Made World\\u201d\\xa0\\n\\nOriginally aired October 2, 2017\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'