Cosmic Conundra

Published: March 6, 2017, 4:42 p.m.

b'Admit it \\u2013 the universe is cool, but weird.\\xa0Just when you think you\\u2019ve tallied up all the peculiar phenomena that the cosmos has to offer \\u2013 it throws more at you. We examine some of the recent perplexing finds.\\nCould massive asteroid impacts be as predictable as phases of the moon?\\xa0Speaking of moons \\u2013 why are some of Pluto\\u2019s spinning like turbine-powered pinwheels?\\xa0Plus, we examine a scientist\\u2019s claim of evidence for parallel universes.\\nAnd, could the light patterns from a distant star be caused by alien mega-structures?\\xa0\\nGuests:\\n\\n\\nMike Rampino - Professor of biology and environmental studies at New York University\\n\\n\\nMark Showalter - Senior research scientist at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California\\n\\n\\nRanga-Ram Chary - Astronomer, U.S. Planck Data Center, California Institute of Technology\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'