Alien Says What?

Published: Feb. 12, 2024, 8:01 a.m.

b'Whales are aliens on Earth; intelligent beings who have skills for complex problem-solving and their own language. Now in what\\u2019s being called a breakthrough, scientists have carried on an extended conversation with a humpback whale. They share the story of this remarkable encounter, their evidence that the creature understood them, and how the experiment informs our Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. After all, what good is it to make contact with ET if we can\\u2019t communicate?\\nGuests:\\nBrenda McCowan\\xa0\\u2013 Research behaviorist at the University of California Davis in the School of Veterinary Medicine who studies the ecological aspects of animal behavior and communication.\\xa0\\nFred Sharpe\\xa0\\u2013 whale biologist and behavioral ecologist at Simon Fraser University and member of the Templeton Whale SETI Team.\\xa0\\nLaurance Doyle\\xa0\\u2013 astrophysicist and information theory researcher at the SETI Institute.\\xa0\\nFeaturing music by\\xa0Dewey Dellay\\xa0and\\xa0Jun Miyake\\nYou can get early access to ad-free versions of every episode by joining us on\\xa0Patreon. Thanks for your support!\\nBig Picture Science is part of the\\xa0Airwave Media\\xa0podcast network.\\xa0Please contact\\\\xa0to inquire about advertising on Big Picture Science.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'