Jamie Ramsay | Adventuring For Fulfilment and Lessons Learned | Ep.118

Published: Jan. 22, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'https://linktr.ee/betweenthemountains \\xa0\\n\\nThis episode\\u2019s guest is Jamie Ramsay. We delve into an inspiring episode discussing why Jamie adventures, his biggest lessons learned, tales of adventure, and more!\\n\\nhttps://www.instagram.com/jamieisadventuring/\\xa0\\n\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/c/Jamieisadventuring\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nIn addition, this episode is also supported by the brilliant Sidetracked Magazine. Check them out here: https://www.sidetracked.com/\\xa0\\n\\n-------------------------------------------\\n\\nIf you enjoy the show please:\\n\\nSubscribe/follow so that you don\\u2019t miss another episode;\\nShare with a friend;\\xa0\\nLeave a rating on iTunes; and\\nLeave a rating on Spotify (press the three dots).\\n\\nIf you\\xa0really\\xa0really enjoy the show then:\\n\\nSimply\\xa0buy me a coffee.\\n\\nAll of the above helps the podcast to grow as much as possible!\\n\\nYou can get in touch with me on\\xa0btmtravelpod@gmail.com\\xa0or using any of the Social Media links:\\xa0Instagram\\xa0/\\xa0Twitter\\xa0/\\xa0Facebook /'