177. Are You Prepared For Death? Gregory Proctor

Published: Nov. 11, 2021, 8:49 p.m.

b'Gregory Proctor has been through hell and back multiple times! \\xa0He\\u2019s experienced divorce, the loss of his daddy, and multiple myeloma. \\xa0Are you built for this? \\xa0 In order to move forward with anything difficult in life you have to have resilience, motivation, and the ability to work under pressure!\\nJoining the military was nothing after the rules and governance in the Proctor home! \\xa0When you leave the house you better be put together! \\xa0He chose to explore the world, technology, and the seas! \\xa0Eight years in the military, thank you for your service! \\xa0Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space For Controversy!\\nGreg Proctor is an entrepreneur, innovator, and podcaster with a passion for helping others overcome challenges by creating opportunities that add value.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nA seasoned 25+ year dynamic leader who understands business and the humans who power it, he has an uncanny ability to anticipate trends and see things others cannot.\\xa0\\nAs founder and Managing Director of SchXer, he uses his unique talents as an organizational resiliency advisor, helping companies mitigate risk so they can survive and prosper long-term. It\\u2019s hard to leverage change when you\\u2019re unprepared to handle disruptions to your supply chain, human capital, and day-to-day business operations. A sudden crisis can be all it takes to catch a company off guard and send it into a tailspin. That\\u2019s where I come in.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nAlso Cofounder of Tru-Spot Technologies, he and his business partner have revolutionized\\xa0augmented reality for online virtual seat purchasing, immersive fan viewing (without the Oculus headgear, as we like to say) all from the comfort of home.\\xa0\\xa0\\nAnd lastly, as the founder of Kut2ThaChase Podcast, he has disrupted the podcasting ecosystem by bringing forth a social & culture platform for everyone to sharing\\xa0stories that nourish our souls\\xa0through an unscripted dialogue.\\nKut2ThaChase Podcast\\nhttp://www.k2tcpodcast.com/\\nGregory on Instagram\\xa0\\nhttps://instagram.com/kut2thachasepodcast?utm_medium=copy_link\\n\\xa0\\nMe and my daddy would love to hear from you\\nratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy\\n\\xa0\\nSubscribe to The Better Call Daddy Show\\npodchaser.com/bettercalldaddy\\n\\xa0\\nConnect with Reena\\nlinkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts\\ninstagram.com/reenafriedmanwatts\\ntwitter.com/reenareena'