Should you teach what you know about real estate? Afraid of being a GURU? So what?!? Our guest preaches why you should give your audience a platform to learn your failures and successes in real estate.
Best Ever Tweet:
Success has a story, but people want to hear about your's more relatable.
Heather Havenwood Real Estate Background:
- CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC
- Entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on digital marketing, sales coaching, and online publishing
- Named Top 50 Must Follow Women Entrepreneurs for 2017 by Huffington Post
- In 2006 she created an online marketing publishing company that went from 0 to $1 million in sales in less than 12 months
- Based in Austin, Texas
- Say hi to her at
- Best Ever Book: 48 Laws of Power
Click here for a summary of Heather's Best Ever advice:\xa0\xa0
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