He makes big cash yet doesn't need to close on these properties\u2026 How is that possible? Wholesaling! He matches the buyer with the seller very well and does so with some partners who have been in the game for a while. Yes, he even closed a deal at $160,000 in four days\u2026 Very impressive! Hear how he did it!
Best Ever Tweet:
It all comes down to persistent, persistent, persistent action.
David Dodge Real Estate Background:
- Owner at House Sold Easy Properties & \u200eDiscount Property Investor
- Over 8 years of real estate expertise
- Works with investors looking for Flip, Rehab, Renovation, or Buy and hold Rental properties
- Based in St. Louis, Missouri
- Say hi to him at https://www.housesoldeasy.com
- Best Ever Book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki\xa0
Click here for a summary of David's Best Ever Advice:\xa0http://bit.ly/2ldUEol\xa0
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