JF803: How to Self Publish Your Way to Thought Leadership #SkillsetSunday

Published: Nov. 13, 2016, 5:16 p.m.


You may have thought of writing a book, so why haven\'t you? This is a no fluff episode about how you can establish yourself as a thought leader through book publishing. Self publishing allows you to freely execute your niche book release and Amazon is the vehicle to do it. Listen in, take notes, and publish!

Best Ever Tweet:

Publishing content that you create makes you a beacon of knowledge.

Mike Fishbein Real Estate Background:

- Inbound Marketer and Co-Founder of GetSuperScript; Marketing for technology companies and consumer brands
- Grew consumer website from zero to 25,000 unique visitors per month, and generated over 10,000 leads
- Bestselling author of twelve self-published books on Amazon
- Based in New York City, NY
- Say hi to him at www.mfishbein.com

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