JF790: Why You Would Buy an $86 MM Note Portfolio and the 5-3-2 Method

Published: Oct. 31, 2016, 3:03 p.m.

Buying notes can be scary if you don't know what you're looking for, especially when you know you are buying a package with some mobile homes in it without land. You're about to hear from our guest who purchased an $86 million note portfolio for pennies on the dollar and made a great return, you also hear about his 5-3-2 method of selling.

Best Ever Tweet:

You can still be resourceful with mediocre products.

Troy Fullwood Real Estate Background:

- Owner of Pinnacle Investments, A note buying company for over 20 years.
- Author of 25 articles on real estate investing, covering issues on note buying
- Has been involved in over 13,000 secondary mortgage transactions
- Real estate investor in 1996
- Based in Chandler, Arizona
- Say hi to him at www.pinnacle-investments.com
- Best Ever Book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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