JF565: Google Adwords and Cutting Edge Strategies #skillsetsunday

Published: March 20, 2016, 3:11 p.m.

It's simple right, create an Adwords account and fill it with words! Nope...there so much more to it. Targeted words, tracking conversions, split testing, and originality have much to do with Adwords success! Listen to hear about a list of proven words that will be available for everyone!

Best Ever Tweet:


You only need one good lead to pay for your year's worth of marketing.


Dan Barrett real estate background:

  • Only certified Google partner agency that works exclusively with real estate investors
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  • Managed over $1,000,000 of client spend and scored 80th or higher percentile for best practices
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  • Highest level of certification an agency can receive
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  • Founder of Ad Words Nerds and say hi to him at adwordsnerds.com
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  • Based in Middletown, CT
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  • Here is the link to the top key words for fix and flippers and wholesalers:
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\n\nPlease Take 4 Min and Rate and Review the Best Ever Show\xa0in iTunes.\xa0\n\n

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