JF471: 2 Bankruptcies, a Master's Degree, and a Million Dollar Business

Published: Dec. 17, 2015, 11:53 a.m.

Our Best Ever guest doesn't know failure...because he never gave up. He bought his first house in the late 80's and discovered that his discounted purchase resulted in plenty of equity. He was able to refinance and pull money out for other his other businesses. Many events transpired afterwards and he found himself bankrupt AGAIN! He learned then, after "two miserable years", that real estate was going to be his vehicle to wealth. You must lend your ear!


Best Ever Tweet:


Focus on what you know.


Toyin Dawodu's Real Estate Background:

  • Based in Riverside, California
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  • Done over 400 deals valued over $60M over 15 years
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  • His focus is on fix and flip
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  • MBA and undergrad degree from California State University
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  • Say hi to him at gicdealfinders.com and www.themagicofrealestate.info
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