JF425: Pitch Anything to ANYONE with Oren Klaff #skillsetsunday

Published: Nov. 1, 2015, 6:12 a.m.

Closing deals begins with a \u201cbig idea\u201d as our Best Ever guest boldly suggests. He has raised hundreds of millions for investors in multiple industries and is the New York Times Best Seller author of Pitch Anything. No more predictable figures, ROI, and other ordinary abbreviations\u2026it\u2019s time to begin your next pitch with an entertaining twist, one that will relax your investor to squeeze the goods out of you. Follow Joe\u2019s challenge at the end of the show, and hear Oren teach!




*Register on pitchanything.com and receive insider knowledge of the best and most professionally structured pitch.




Best Ever Tweets:


People want what they can\u2019t have.


People value what they pay for.


Do not be yourself, yourself is not good enough.




Oren Klaff\u2019s background:

  • He has raised over $400 million from investors
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  • Author of Pitch Anything
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  • He is based in Carlsbad, California \xa0
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