JF2296: Bad Start but Strong Finish With John Dessauer

Published: Dec. 15, 2020, noon

John has a rich history as an entrepreneur and has owned many companies in various industries. John has transacted hundreds of deals in real estate in different sectors such as apartments, office buildings, retail, single-family homes, and condominiums all within his personal portfolio.

John Dessauer Real Estate Background:

  • Full-time entrepreneur\xa0
  • Has over 22 years of real estate investing experience\xa0
  • Portfolio consists of over 2 million sq ft. rentals/retail\xa0
  • Based in Chicago, IL
  • Say hi to him at: www.johndessauer.com\xa0
  • Best Ever Book: Spin selling


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Best Ever Tweet:

\u201cThe best benefit for having multiple companies is having multiple sources of income for when unfortunate events happen\u201d - John Dessauer