JF2175: Understanding Depreciation With Natalie Kolodij

Published: Aug. 16, 2020, 11 a.m.

Natalie is the CEO of Kolodij Tax and Consulting, and she is also a real estate investor herself. She uses her investing experience to help other investors out in the tax world. Natalie gives advice on how to determine depreciation and shares examples of what you should specifically do.\xa0

Natalie Kolodij Real Estate Background:

  • CEO of Kolodij Tax and Consulting
  • 6 years of real estate investing experience
  • Started off flipping mobile and manufactured homes
  • Based in Charlotte, NC
  • Say hi to her at: https://www.kolotax.com/



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Best Ever Tweet:

\u201cDepreciation is where most people make mistakes.\u201d - Natalie Kolodij