JF1327: Focus On What Youre Good At For Increased Profits with Sam Craven

Published: April 21, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Sam realized that he needed to focus on his strengths to have the most success. Him and his partner switched to a wholesaling model, and are now looking to buy other wholesaling companies across the country. His ultimate goal is to be one of the largest privately held home buying companies in the country. If you enjoyed today\u2019s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

\u201cDon\u2019t be afraid to pivot when the numbers and realities are telling you something different\u201d - Sam Craven


Sam Craven Real Estate Background:

- Co-Founder of Senna House Buyers

-Took his company from $1.5 Million in sales to $10 Million in just 3 Years

-50% wholesale and 50% rehab

-String of big losses from 2016-2017 that added up to $767k in total losses

-Based in Houston, Texas

- Say hi to him at http://www.sennahousebuyers.com \xa0

- Best Ever Book: Never Split the Difference


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