Christ, the Christian's Inner Character Part 2

Published: June 9, 2024, 4:23 p.m.

b'Christ is the Christian\\u2019s character. Are we constrained to have stunted spiritual growth - being the same as we were a month ago, a year ago? Five years ago? No! God wants us to grow, the Spirit compels growth, and we should never settle for \\u201djust enough\\u201d. \\n\\u201dBe filled with the Spirit\\u201d is the divine mandate.\\xa0We can become so much more than we ever imagined ever since Paul wrote that Christ lives in the regenerated human being. This is the great mystery divinely revealed to the world: There are God indwelt people living, working, eating, speaking, interacting in every facet of life, every day - Christ in us, the Hope of Glory! There is no greater, nobler truth than this! Christ IS the Christian\\u2019s Character'