Avoidance: How to Stop Procrastination and Worry

Published: Sept. 6, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'Dr. Rick and Forrest Hanson explore what "avoidant behavior" is, common forms it takes, and what we can do to limit its unhealthy aspects.\\nWatch the Episode: Prefer watching video? You\\xa0can watch this episode on YouTube.\\nSupport the Podcast: We\'re now on Patreon! If you\'d like to support the podcast, follow this link. Membership includes expanded show notes and transcripts of the episodes.\\xa0\\nKey Topics:\\n0:00: Introduction\\n2:10: Approaching, Avoiding, and Abiding\\n4:25: Common Forms of Avoidance\\n7:30: The Costs of Avoidance\\n11:30: Situational Avoidance\\n13:40: Cognitive Avoidance\\n15:30: Emotional Avoidance\\n16:45: The True Function of Worrying\\n23:05: Somatic Avoidance\\n27:40: Useful Aspects of Avoidance\\n30:45: What Helps People With Their Avoidant Behaviors?\\n34:30: What We Do vs. What We Are\\n38:30: Bounding the Problem\\n40:50: Anticipate Blocks\\n42:00: Active Coping, and Critiques of Positive Psychology\\n46:50: An Exercise for Fighting Avoidance\\n49:40: Recap\\nSponsors:\\nFrom Dr. Hanson: The Foundations of Well-Being brings together the lessons of a lifetime of practice into one year-long online program. Podcast listeners can use the code\\xa0BEINGWELL25 at checkout for an additional 25% off! Please don\'t hesitate to apply for a scholarship if you\'re in need.\\xa0\\nJoin\\xa0over a million people using BetterHelp, the world\\u2019s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month!\\xa0\\nWant to sleep better? Try the legendary Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription.\\nConnect with the show:\\n\\nFollow Forrest on YouTube\\n\\nFollow us on Instagram\\n\\nFollow Rick on Facebook\\n\\nFollow Forrest on Facebook\\n\\nSubscribe on iTunes'