Star Trek: Voyager | Scorpion, Scorpion Part 2, and The Gift

Published: Jan. 4, 2022, 3 p.m.

It's a rare 3-parter here at Beam Me Up, and oh my Borg is it a dousey.  We gain a new cast member, say goodbye to a cast member, and make a complete shift in how Voyager will play out going forward.  In this episode, the Voyager crew come across an alien enemy more powerful than the Borg, and they're bent on the destruction of our galaxy.  But the Doctor develops a weapon that can be used against them.  Janeway forges a shaky alliance with the Borg to the defeat the new enemy, but when she's betrayed by the only remaining drone on the ship, they sever her link to the collective.  As her humanity begins to reassert itself, Kes's telepathic powers grow out of control, and she chooses to leave the ship.   It's a jam packed trilogy of episodes, but will Matt like it?  Will he think it's just a cool bit of television, or will he find a deeper message embedded in the story?  Let's find out.

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