Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | What You Leave Behind (Series Finale)

Published: June 14, 2022, 8 a.m.

The time has come to say goodbye to a crew that we have come to know and love, even if we don't necessarily like some of them.   It's all been building to this, the final showdown of the Federation vs The Dominion.  Sisko vs Dukat. The Prophets vs the Pah Wraiths.  Who comes out on top?  Well, you probably already know.  But what will our First Time Watcher think when he see it all unfold?  Does this hold up as the best finale Trek has produced to date? Let's find out.

If you're watching with us, the next episode will be Star Trek: Voyager, the season 5 finale Cliffhanger (and Season 6 Premier), Equinox, parts 1 and 2. 

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