Special Episode: Closing Out The Generation

Published: March 9, 2020, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone,
\\nSince I’m out getting married and Bat is undoubtedly there both cheering and jeering me on we wanted to make sure we still gave you all a fun little episode. With the new consoles on the horizon we thought it would be good to reflect on this current generation and wax poetic about what we liked, what we didn’t, what surprised us and what we’re hoping from this next one.


Funniest of all is that this actually will be posted on time, because I scheduled it a full on week ahead of time lol.


So sit back and enjoy, we will be back next week with your regularly scheduled geekyness.


We will be having a very special episode next week before we get back to normal!


You can send us your answers to this weeks question as well as any questions you’d like to submit to Facebook, Twitter or email us at Batandhammer@gmail.com.


That is all for this week’s Blogcast. Be sure to tune back in. Same Hammer Time, same Bat Channel.




bat, hammer, batandhammer, sprecken, geek, spreckenzegeek, nerd, news, podcast, specialepisode, consolegeneration
