The Innovative Bank BBVA Compass CEO Manolo Sanchez

Published: July 1, 2015, 1:47 a.m.


Episode 6: The Innovative Bank - Manolo Sanchez, CEO of BBVA Compass

Can banks be innovators? If so,\\xa0how?

In Episode 6, we tackle that topic with one of the most innovative bank\\xa0executives\\xa0in the world \\u2013 Manolo Sanchez,\\xa0the chairman\\xa0and CEO of BBVA Compass.\\xa0

BBVA\\xa0is the Spanish bank that bought the U.S. startup Simple,\\xa0whose founders we featured in our podcast Episode 2 (\\u201cThe Cheerful Disruptors\\u201d).\\xa0Today\\u2019s discussion picks up the bank side of that equation.

It\\u2019s our first conversation with the leader of a large bank. \\xa0BBVA has over $700 billion in assets and a global reach.\\xa0And what an interesting bank it is. When I first met Manolo several years ago, I had no idea they were heading into one of the most notable innovation strategies in the industry. Since then, they\\u2019ve made huge investments to modernize and integrate their IT, and have stood out for their active experimentation with innovative startups \\u2013 working with them in various ways, and always, especially, learning from them.

A native of Spain, Manolo has worked for BBVA for nearly 25 years, holding positions in the corporate, investment and correspondent banking divisions of the bank. He is a graduate of Yale University and earned his master\\u2019s degrees in international relations from the London School of Economics and in advanced European studies from the College of Europe. His career has taken him to Paris, Madrid, New York, Mexico City and Texas.

As\\xa0Chairman\\xa0and CEO of the\\xa0U.S. bank\\xa0BBVA Compass, Manolo today lives with his wife and three children in Houston, where he\\u2019s a\\xa0leader in a wide range of\\xa0community-strengthening institutions. The bank also has major facilities in Birmingham, where it has anchored economic development including a\\xa0newly-opened LEED-certified technology development center.

Manolo sets the tone for this \\u201cinnovative, principled and customer-centric company\\u201d \\u2014 and earned recognition as\\xa0American Banker\\u2019s 2014 reputation survey leader \\u2014\\xa0with the principle,\\xa0\\u201cWe work for a better future for people.\\u201d

In\\xa0Episode 6, he\\xa0explores\\xa0the fertile landscape of financial innovation\\xa0from the viewpoint of a major bank with a\\xa0multi-year strategic vision to make BBVA the \\u201cnext great bank in the U.S.\\u201d

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