Divorce : Not a Vice !

Published: Oct. 6, 2021, 6:37 a.m.

Divorce isn't such a tragedy , nobody ever died of divorce ! In Conversation with Ms. Nandita Rao , Additional Standing Counsel (Cri) Govt. Of Delhi, we talk about the Divorce laws in India and the many taboos prefixed with it. We assess the domestic violence statistics which has risen sharply during the pandemic and it's in toto effect on the divorce petitions being filed. We walk through the process of mutual and contested divorce and discuss how the courts have brought about a positive change with expansion of the term cruelty to include marital rape thus writing it in black and white that consent matters ! While discussing the progressive changes in muslim divorce law we discuss how mediation has evolved and it's role in saving an irrevertible breakdown of marriage. Studying the portrayal of divorced protagonists on screen we trace it's effect on societal perception of divorce.