Oliver Wood

Published: Jan. 11, 2022, 11 a.m.

In today’s episode, our guest is Oliver Wood.  He has over 200 active clients as a wellness coach for career-driven individuals. He helps people, not only for themselves but also for their families, by creating their worlds and experiences. He focuses on long-term skill sets rather than quick cures to achieve smarter health. Today, we'll peel back the layers and expose what he does so you can get a better understanding of how it works and how it might help you.

[2:08] Why should we listen to you?

One thing I make sure of before diving into a particular issue is that there is buy-in. I’m the buyer, not the seller. If there’s an awareness I’m going to help you, there needs to be a buying into why you’re going to listen. Because I think all of us, including myself, use it in the gym industry. I’m not going to tell you about the modifications that must be made until there is an agreement. 

[3:41] When did fitness become pivotal to helping people get in shape?

I was working with higher-level customers to the point where I discovered I invested a lot in movement awareness and advancement. I became excellent at maximizing the workout and progression of where that was heading. However, I was conscious that it didn’t matter because the person walking through the door were stressed out and inflamed that they wouldn’t ever recover. They wouldn’t be able to bounce back from the training we were doing. 

[6:15] How is this a skill set brought in and duplicate results for people with certainty it’ll work?

I believe the initial phase of that is a re-evaluation of what is essential, correct? We’re all attempting to fix 30 things at once and doing nothing. I believe it is a matter of locating those linchpins to generate a concept. 

[6:42] When we’re talking about how your body works, it’s not just about what food you eat but also about what you absorb. Taking the time to become more conscious of your gut health is something we jump right into. However, becoming mindful of how that relates to your sleep energy will be a more immediate victory.

[06:57] Our involvement must be limited if we are to consider long-term sustainability. That will be an emphasis. It’s about figuring out what health anchors are coming through for the individual. They learn about the liver, thyroid hormones, and other things that aren’t on our side. Forget about another supplement or biotech fix. What do we do to find the root cause of this issue and rebuild your body so that you are conscious that it is not always a problem? It’s a fine line between science and art. 

[8:34] Do you find that people go from not identifying as a fitness person to identifying as a fitness person, and it becomes easy to keep in shape?

It needs to be something you relate with or not. You’ll stay and find a method to reaffirm that this is a new lifestyle; this is how I feel dependent on how I show up. No chore. The discomfort is a good time to reflect on my new identity and how I want to present myself because I know that what I eat now will affect how I feel in two hours, and I’m more active in the serotonin release of long-term happiness. The identity transformation is powerful because your body will reinforce it, and we’ll always find a way. 

[10:33] Do you guys utilize any wearable metrics? Do you find data useful? 

The point and reason why we’re trying to engage our guys is to bring that awareness right alongside them in a project that is now high-level software. Take the time to bring in the tools you already know. Your body is already sending you all these signals about how you should feel. And if we lean into that, there is a great deal going on. 

[11:25] With attention as our most valuable resource and the one that’s being tugged in a hundred other directions, I believe it’s the one we need to lean into first. Therefore, before we add new distractions, we should eliminate those that are no longer useful. However, we dive into the vast fandom of wearables with our higher-level clientele. We tend to forget there are a couple of things that many individuals overlook when laying that foundation. Following that, ensure that it makes sense. 

[13:37] Tell me more about how people are failing to set aside time for themselves?

We can carve out time for the things that matter to us. And sometimes that is not our choice. Thus, I believe that the critical point is to be deliberate about where that comes in. And, as mentioned, while we cannot grant you a 25th hour of the day, we can better use the hours you are awake and asleep. Taking the time to create that initial backup is simply a matter of preference. 

[14:49] Being able to reconstruct that area does not require you to train there. You must meditate independently, but you must also do something to anchor yourself and establish the focus and headspace necessary to perform that day. 

[15:44] What are some viable, concrete steps that folks who are not already working with you can take to learn how they can work with you?

It’s going to come down to the individual and the nature of the behavior. Let’s take one of the activities that we know will be beneficial. It might be yoga, walking, going to the gym, writing, meditation, or simply reintroducing breakfast with a reasonable amount of protein. 

[16:47] Taking that time in the first hour of the day to anchor in just one item for you, I believe, should be the beginning point. Suppose you’re interested in merely inwardly turning and learning more about the resources your body currently possesses. Take 60 breaths before each meal. Take the time to recognize your state before eating. You will not only know how you are feeling, which is significant, but you will also increase your body’s ability to absorb the food properly. You are not what you eat; you are what you absorb along the process. 

[18:24] How do you work one-on-one with 200 people?

I’ve allowed myself to set aside my ego and accept that I am not the best in all of those areas. As a result, I’ve got some fantastic people on my side. Considering the growth of a personal trainer, I believe we all begin by acknowledging that a unique personality is a significant component of being a PT. And then, as we progress through that process, we start to recognize that there is a pattern emerging, a sequence, and then there is the possibility that the message may differ from what is received.

[21:33] Once you’ve restored your financial situation, that becomes such a small part of it; it’s almost as if that’s what we accomplished. As so, it represents a little piece of the pie. And there’s a significant benefit in terms of, I believe, simplifying what to focus on. Where we’re up against government laws regarding what constitutes good food, we’ve got every coach telling us what diet to follow. And we have this black and white, as well as a culture, of what we should be doing. 

[23:27] Do you construct your own workouts that you listen to?

My primary concern is recognizing the sheer number of variables at play; this is not a case of gradual overload. And at some point, that’s not going to be the best course of action for me. Thus, I believe it provides you with the tools necessary to negotiate the adjustments being made. I think there is a specific evolution that occurs.

[24:09] I’ve established certain specialty phases or progressions. Additionally, I have that structure in place. At this stage, it’s pretty intuitive. I’ve spent four or five years bodybuilding, and my objective has shifted from simply acquiring as much muscle as possible. It’s ensuring that I present myself in the best light possible. It’s a lot more variable in how I feel about the performance and what I want to accomplish that day.

[24:50] What promise did God make to the world when He created you?

The ability to look into someone’s world, see their stories and help them move forward.

Key Quotes

[13:42 – 13:45] “I think a big thing there is trying to be intentional with where that comes in.”

[20:45-20:48] Once you’re in the flow, once you have you know what to focus on, it becomes so much more simple.”