5. Lukas Fischer: On the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH)

Published: April 17, 2021, 8:13 a.m.


The field of AI and Machine learning is moving with an ever increasing pace, and for most small and medium companies that cannot afford their own research labs, keeping up new scientific papers and software frameworks is almost impossible.


Today on the show I interview Lukas Fischer who is the Research Manager of the Data Science branch of the Software Competence Center Hagenberg that is here to help companies achieve this difficult task. The center has the mission to enable the knowledge transfer from academia to private partners, so that they can stay ahead of the competition.


If you are interested to hear about the structure, challenges and career opportunities within an applied research institute at linking academia and private industry, then this episode is for you.





Lukas Fischer: Lukas.Fischer@scch.at , https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukas-fischer-3015245b/


Software Competence Center Hagenberg : https://www.scch.at/en/news


SCCH COMET Modul S3AI: https://www.s3ai.at (Research in the area of Secure and Save Shared Artificial Intelligence Systems)


H2020 Project Teaming.ai: https://www.teamingai-project.eu/ (Human-AI-Teaming-Plattform for the development and improvement of AI systems in manufacturing)


H2020 Project Cogniplant: https://www.cogniplant-h2020.eu/ (Platform for process improvements in industrial settings)


H2020 Project SERUMS: https://www.serums-h2020.org/ (Privacy preserving ML in the medical domain)


FFG Project in cooperation with the St. Anna children cancer research VISIOMICS: www.visiomics.at 


FFG COMET Funding: https://www.ffg.at/en/comet-competence-centers-excellent-technologies


SCCH SpinOff Sysparancy: https://www.sysparency.com/en/
