37. Elma Dervic - Using network science to find criticial factors and events in decease trajactories

Published: March 29, 2023, 12:12 p.m.


## Summary


Today on the show I have the pleasure to talk to Elma Dervic. PhD at the Medical University of Vienna where she is applying network science to study patience medical records to identify how correlating deceases evolve over time and individual factors and events contribute to send patience on very different decease progressions. So doctors get a better understanding what treatments to apply in younger patients to reduce the probability of follow up complications when those patients get older; several decades into the future.



## TOC


00:00:00 Start


00:01:40 Introduction


00:04:35 PhD in network science


00:08:13 The Medical Dataset used to study decease trajectories


00:18:18 Building network representations of medical data


00:32:27 Unsupervised clustering to identify communities of deceases


00:39:03 Studying and drawing conclusion from identified communities


00:47:23 Next steps and future work



## References


https://www.linkedin.com/in/elmahot/ - Elma Hot Dervic


https://www.csh.ac.at/researcher/elma-dervic/ - Complexity Science Hub


https://www.linkedin.com/company/montenegrin-ai-association/ - MAIA
