18. Resul Akay - Quantics.io: Forecasting and predictive modeling in supply chain optimisation

Published: Dec. 14, 2021, 12:57 p.m.


# Intro


Resul Akay is the Chief Data Scientist at Quantics.io, where he is developing a platform to enable predictive modeling for supply chain optimization. Enabling customers from different industries and different steps of their supply chain, to accurately predict demand and optimize their supplies accordingly.


In the interview Resul explains to us some of the main challenges of supply chain optimization, and how at Quantics.io they address those challenges by making use of a self-aware computing paradigm to develop a fore casting engine that can analyze its prediction error and trace it to different actors and factors along the supply chain. Enabling the system to learn what to ignore and what to pay attention to over time to improve its forecasting accuracy.



# References


Resul Akay - https://www.linkedin.com/in/resul-akay-5287061b3/


Quantics.io - https://quantics.io/


Self-aware Computing Systems, An Engineering Approach, Peter R. Lewis et.al - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39675-0
