Jordie Howell - Vocal Adventure - The Holman Prize Pitch

Published: March 20, 2020, 12:08 a.m.

You can help Jordie with her Holman Prize pitch by going to her Youtube video and clicking like Thank-you so much for your support with this.


My dream is to record a CD featuring works by blind composers, Australian composers, and works that are more familiar. I plan to travel to my pianist Penny Cashman in Adelaide for rehearsals, to the UK later in the year for coachings with specialists in the classical music field, and to record the finished product in Melbourne at Move Records studios. Feature works include First Person Feminine by Ian Cooper who was blind, and mentored me as a young singer. Also a work called Normality by Dindy Vaughan who wrote the work as a commission for soprano, flute, violin and piano. It challenges the concept of “what is normal” in a humourous way. I also plan to record works by Spanish composer Rodrigo who was also blind, and other familiar composers such as Bach, Mozart, Schubert and Duparc. This CD will be a showcase of repertoire to share my voice with a much wider audience. I love to sing works that tell a story. This is a chance to collaborate with Penny and other musicians to express these concepts. I also hope to use this album as a vehicle to audition for conductors and increase my profile as a professional singer.


Music is my first love. I also love animals and have worked with three beautiful labrador guide dogs and relish the freedom of movement they bring. Technology is another passion for me and I like to keep abreast with new developments in braille and audio devices. I am a Choral Scholar with Christ Church South Yarra. Other singing endeavours are finalist in the International Competition for Blind and Partially Sighted Musicians in Prague, the 2012 recipient of the Maroondah Singers Memorial Scholarship and a finalist in the 2013 Australian National Liederfest. I also play piano and teach music, braille music and singing to both young children and adults. Alongside my singing, I work as a music transcriber and music teacher. I have chaired the Australian Braille authority for four years, and work with the International Council on English Braille as chair of the music braille committee.