Podcast Setup And Gear

Published: Dec. 19, 2019, 8:25 a.m.

b'Everyone\\u2019s favorite topic, and an important one here at the beginning of your podcasting journey is a podcast\\u2019s setup.\\n\\n\\n\\nIf you\\u2019re new to recording high quality audio then sit down for a crash course in podcast setups. After this episode, you\\u2019ll be able to record the kind of sound that your audience will love listening to, and keep them coming back week after week.\\n\\n\\n\\nIn this episode we discuss:\\n\\n\\n\\nPodcast microphone suggestionsAudio recording and editing softwarePodcast hosting providersWhat an RSS feed is and why it\\u2019s importantWhere we will be submitting our show for distribution\\n\\n\\n\\nWhether you\\u2019re new to podcasting or are a seasoned veteran we\\u2019d love to hear your experience with your own podcast setup. They\\u2019re really important as you\\u2019re getting started and then, fortunately, we can kind of \\u201cset it and forget it\\u201d when it comes to our podcasting gear and setup.\\n\\n\\n\\nLeave a comment below about your podcasting setup and what you\\u2019ve learned using it.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nEpisode Transcript\\n\\n\\n\\nSpeaker 1 00:04 This will arguably be a lot of folks favorite episode because here we\\u2019re going to be geeking out on gear and set up and the nuts and bolts really of how to start a podcast. This is the only time probably will talk about this because again, this is not the most important thing to get on an ongoing basis. You have to make this decision once, get the gear, get things set up, and then everything is just in place from then on so you can focus on what\\u2019s really important, which is creating interesting and compelling content for your audience and connecting with them and grow in your brand. \\nSpeaker 1 00:42 Welcome back to the audience podcast. I\\u2019m Craig Hewitt, your host, and here we\\u2019re going to be talking first about gear. A lot of folks favorite subject and for good reason. You don\\u2019t want to have a bad sounding podcast and this is an important thing to talk about as we\\u2019re getting started is you have to have a podcast that sounds good and is pleasing to your listeners. Podcasting is more and more competitive every day and now the minimum bar of audio quality is relatively high. The, you have to have a good sounding podcast that\\u2019s interesting and is is not kind of harsh for your listeners to listen to. You have to have something that sounds good. And really the first place that that starts is with a good podcasting microphone. We get pretty opinionated about podcasting and microphones here at Costos because we have a lot of experience on the post production side as well. \\nSpeaker 1 01:28 Cast us productions is a done for you service inside of our hosting platform that allows you to just upload the raw recording files like this. And then our team takes care of all the editing, mixing and production of your podcast after that so you don\\u2019t have to do any of this work in audacity or Hindenburg or Adobe audition. And with that we\\u2019ve seen a lot of really good sounding audio and we\\u2019ve seen a lot of really bad sounding audio and we\\u2019ve done a lot of pattern matching around what makes a good sounding podcast and what doesn\\u2019t and what makes a podcast that our audio engineers have trouble with and that ultimately people just aren\\u2019t happy with the results of. And so here\\u2019s the skinny on recording, a good sounding podcast. The microphone is the most important thing and the microphone that we recommend to almost everybody is the audio Technica ATR 2100. \\nSpeaker 1 02:14 If you\\u2019ve done any research about podcasting, you\\u2019ll see t'