Open Star Clusters Puzzle for Researchers

Published: Oct. 31, 2022, 2:28 a.m.

Astronomy Daily \u2013 The Podcast
Show Notes
Astronomy Daily \u2013 The Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify:
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Andrew\u2019s taking a short holiday\u2026so for the next little while Astronomy Daily \u2013 The Podcast is being hosted by his brother Steve\u2026and Halley of course.
Monday October 31, 2022
Today\u2019s headline stories:
- Open Star Clusters pose a puzzle for researchers - Is Newton being shown the back door?
- Astronaut first\u2026 Never has an astronaut been arrested or charged with kidnapping or attempted murder, until now, according to police.
- Dust storms on Mars damage Rover\u2026 She\u2019s a hardy little trooper and the dust storms on Mars can be mean but she\u2019s still sending data.
- Spooky stuff happening at the edge of the Solar System\u2026 They say it\u2019s weird\u2026 reason enough to send a probe.
- Hubble's most famous image, the Deep Field Image is getting a do-over\u2026 new processing techniques are bringing out MORE\u2026 yes\u2026 MORE!
If you\u2019d like to find out more about the stories featured in today\u2019s show, you can read today\u2019s edition of the Astronomy Daily Newsletter at any of our websites \u2013 , or go directly to \u2013 subscribe and get the new edition delivered to your mailbox or RSS reader every day\\u2019s free from us to you.
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