#78 What did the apostles do after Acts? And Qs on the historicity of the New Testament.

Published: Aug. 12, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'Do the earliest Gospels lack a divine Jesus? Who authored 2 Peter? What do we know about what happened to the Apostles after the close of scripture? Tom answers questions on the historicity of the Gospels.\\nSupport the show \\u2013 give from the USA or Rest of the world \\n\\xb7 For bonus content, the newsletter, prize draws and to ask a question sign up at www.askntwright.com \\n\\xb7 Exclusive podcast offers on Tom\\u2019s books and videos from\\xa0SPCK &\\xa0NT Wright Online \\n\\xb7 Subscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast via\\xa0your preferred podcast platform'