#40 Do I have to agree with St. Paul?

Published: July 15, 2020, 10:53 a.m.

b'Tom answers listener questions on the life of the Apostle Paul, whether he wrote all the letters attributed to him, and whether contemporary Christians need to agree with all the views he gives.\\nSupport the\\xa0showand receive\\xa0NT Wright\\u2019s brand new E-book\\xa0\\u201812 Answers to questions about the Bible, Life and Faith\\u2019\\xa0https://resources.premier.org.uk/supportntwright/\\nFor bonus content, the newsletter, prize draws and to ask a question sign up at\\xa0www.askntwright.com\\nFor a free e-book on Acts 15 by Tom visit www.ntwrightonline.org/askntwright\\nSubscribe to the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast via\\xa0PodBean,\\xa0iTunesor\\xa0RSS Feed'