Spill the Baby Tea with Helen: Not Showering for a Month!? My Postpartum Confinement Period ()

Published: Jan. 31, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'The postpartum period, or the \\u201c4th\\u201d trimester, can look different for many people depending on one\\u2019s cultural and societal expectations for this period of time. For me, all expectations went out the window and were guided by the one and only, Momma Wu. My mom stayed with me for a month to administer my postpartum confinement period, aka \\u5750\\u6708\\u5b50, which literally translates to \\u201csit for one month\\u201d. Many believe this is one of the most important periods when the mother must let her body recover and be well-nourished with confinement meals high in nutrients that aid in every step of recovery. So, what did I eat? Did I sleep? Did I shower? Did it work?! I share all of that on today\\u2019s episode.\\n\\nHere are a few shortcuts if you\\u2019d like to hop to a topic that interests you!\\xa0\\n[01:40] \\u2013 My Giggle of the Week \\u2013 Getting a Nanny\\n[04:53] \\u2013 My Drool of the Week \\u2013 How much time are we giving our loved ones?\\n[06:21] \\u2013 What is the postpartum confinement period?\\n[07:46] \\u2013 What Day 1 looked like\\n[09:37] \\u2013 Why are confinement period foods so important during this time?\\n[13:30] \\u2013 Confinement personal hygiene practices\\n[18:51] \\u2013 Cultural and generational differences\\n[22:24] \\u2013 Conclusion \\u2013 did it work!?\\n\\nAfter you\\u2019ve taken a listen, let me know in the comments of our IG post, linked here, if you related to this episode in any way. If you also experienced \\u201csitting month\\u201d, I would love to hear about it! How did your confinement period differ from my experience, or was it very similar? Did you have your mom administer your confinement period? Or did your MIL do it, which I could see being even more intense with all the things you might hold back on saying! Or did you hire a confinement nanny? And if you\\u2019re planning on doing it \\u2013 what are you most looking forward to? As always, thank you for allowing me to share my personal journey with you all. I have so much more to learn and would love to continue connecting and learning from all of you out there.\\n\\nI hope you enjoy!\\n#SpillTheBabyTea\\n\\n__________________________________________\\nHost: Helen Wu\\nEditor: Victoria Cheng\\n__________________________________________\\nC O N N E C T W I T H U S\\n\\u2022 Subscribe and Follow us @asianbossgirl on Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Amazon Music/YouTube/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook\\n\\u2022 Listener Survey: Let us know your thoughts on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Shoutouts: Give a shoutout on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Email: hello@asianbossgirl.com\\n__________________________________________\\nS U P P O R T U S\\n\\u2022 Merch: asianbossgirl.myshopify.com\\n\\u2022 Donate: anchor.fm/asianbossgirl/support\\n\\u2022 More about us at asianbossgirl.com\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'