Spill the Baby Tea with Helen: 5 Ways to Manage Mom Guilt

Published: Feb. 22, 2023, 1 a.m.

b'Mom guilt is real, and when a bad day makes you feel like a bad mom, just know that you are everything your child needs. I wanted to take this episode to share what mom guilt is (cuz it absolutely is real!), when and how it shows up, how it evolves, and how we can overcome it. No mom is perfect, and every mom makes mistakes. But often, to your kids, even those \\u2018mistakes\\u2019 can be exactly what they need. Your kids think you are the best mom even if you forced a missed nap, watched too much TV, or ate dumplings for dinner for the x-th time this week. Let\\u2019s normalize the conversation and talk about it all. Mom guilt - the good, the bad, the guilty.\\n\\nHere are a few shortcuts if you\\u2019d like to hop to a topic that interests you!\\xa0\\n[01:03] \\u2013 My Giggle of the Week \\u2013 Eating out with a toddler\\n[02:33] \\u2013 My Drool of the Week \\u2013 Dropping the second nap!! Nooo\\xa0\\xa0\\n[04:25] \\u2013 What is mom guilt?\\n[06:45] \\u2013 When and why does mom guilt show up?\\n[16:32] \\u2013 5 ways to manage mom guilt\\n[22:10] \\u2013 Outro\\n\\nI\\u2019d love to hear if you also have had or are dealing with mom guilt, and perhaps, what your strategies are to overcome it. Let\\u2019s continue learning from one another and helping each other through this journey of parenthood. Share your experience in the comments of AsianBossGirl\\u2019s latest Instagram post.\\n\\nI hope you enjoy!\\n#SpillTheBabyTea\\n__________________________________________\\nHost: Helen Wu\\nEditor: Victoria Cheng\\n__________________________________________\\nC O N N E C T W I T H U S\\n\\u2022 Subscribe and Follow us @asianbossgirl on Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Amazon Music/YouTube/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook\\n\\u2022 Listener Survey: Let us know your thoughts on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Shoutouts: Give a shoutout on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Email: hello@asianbossgirl.com\\n__________________________________________\\nS U P P O R T U S\\n\\u2022 Merch: asianbossgirl.myshopify.com\\n\\u2022 Donate: anchor.fm/asianbossgirl/support\\n\\u2022 More about us at asianbossgirl.com\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'