No Dumb Questions with Mel: How Does It Feel to Hit 2 Years in my Romantic Relationship?

Published: April 24, 2024, midnight

b'For today\\u2019s episode, it falls a bit after my 2 year anniversary with Ray. The last time I was in this long of a relationship was in high school and that was a very different time.\\nWith us moving in together, in a new city, we are definitely in a different stage in our relationship. Today, I reflect back on our relationship, compare year 1 & 2, chat through the other insights I discovered in our relationship, and what else needs to happen before embarking on the next stage.\\n__________________________________________\\nHost: Melody Cheng\\nEditor: Victoria Cheng\\n__________________________________________\\nP A R T N E R S\\n\\u2022 Miracle Made: Save over 40% off and receive 3 free towels with code \\u201cABG\\u201d at\\n\\u2022 BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month with code \\u201cABG\\u201d at\\n__________________________________________\\nC O N N E C T W I T H U S\\n\\u2022 Subscribe and Follow us @asianbossgirl on Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Amazon Music/YouTube/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook\\n\\u2022 Listener Survey: Let us know your thoughts on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Shoutouts: Give a shoutout on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Email:\\n__________________________________________\\nS U P P O R T U S\\n\\u2022 Merch:\\n\\u2022 Donate:\\n\\u2022 More about us at\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'