Living Well with Janet: Im a Vegetarian and All My Friends are Carnivores

Published: Sept. 14, 2022, midnight

b'Plant-based or plant-forward eating has been lauded as a healthy lifestyle habit for years now.\\nIf you\\u2019re a meat-eater who is plant curious, this episode is for you! What exactly is a plant-based/forward way of eating? How do you start the transition? Where do you get your protein? How do you feel full?\\nI\\u2019m also here to share how a plant-based diet has affected my lifestyle: How do I eat out with non-plant-based/forward company? What about dates? Or my family (i.e. why might my Asian parents be resistant to this eating style)? Listen to this episode to find out!\\nAsianBossGirl is turning 5 years old! To celebrate, we are hosting a Happy Hour event in Los Angeles on September 16th. RSVP at our Eventbrite link here! Cocktails, mocktails, and light bites will be provided. Spots are limited, so sign up soon!\\xa0\\n__________________________________________\\nHost: Janet Wang\\nEditor: Victoria Cheng\\n__________________________________________\\nC O N N E C T W I T H U S\\n\\u2022 Subscribe and Follow us @asianbossgirl on Apple Podcasts/Spotify/YouTube/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook\\n\\u2022 Listener Survey: Let us know your thoughts on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Shoutouts: Give a shoutout on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Email:\\n__________________________________________\\nS U P P O R T U S\\n\\u2022 Merch:\\n\\u2022 Donate:\\n\\u2022 More about us at\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'