Living Well with Janet: Early Bird, Night Owl, or...Dolphin? What's Your Sleep Chronotype?

Published: March 8, 2023, 1 a.m.

b"You've heard of early birds and night owls, but what about bears, wolves, lions, and dolphins? According to sleep specialist and clinical psychologist Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., there are four unique sleep chronotypes, each with different characteristics and ideal sleep and wake times. In this episode, I share some of my personal struggles with sleep, what I found when I researched sleep types, and tips on how to adjust your sleep and wake times. Take the sleep chronotype quiz at and let me know your results in the comments!\\n__________________________________________\\nHost: Janet Wang\\nEditor: Victoria Cheng\\n__________________________________________\\nC O N N E C T W I T H U S\\n\\u2022 Subscribe and Follow us @asianbossgirl on Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Amazon Music/YouTube/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook\\n\\u2022 Listener Survey: Let us know your thoughts on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Shoutouts: Give a shoutout on the podcast here\\n\\u2022 Email:\\n__________________________________________\\nS U P P O R T U S\\n\\u2022 Merch:\\n\\u2022 Donate:\\n\\u2022 More about us at\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"