Art. U. Sci. 2(2): Us

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 11 a.m.


"Once upon a time . . ."


Episode 2 of Volume 2 has dragged itself up by its boot straps out of the mysterious miles of tunnels beneath the American surface, and is now creepily dancing its way onto your device. Join your corresponding author, Tyler D. R. Vance, and this week\'s first author, Ilinca Georgescu, as they try and assemble the thematic puzzle that is Jordan Peele\'s "Us". Along the way, they\'ll stay remarkably on topic and discuss everything from the multiple meanings behind the film\'s premise, to the use of foreshadowing and juxtaposition, to the question plaguing all great horror movies: who is the true MVP of the film.


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"We are Americans!"
