Stories of Constructive Theology

Published: Sept. 10, 2023, 5:23 p.m.


\\u201cDeconstruction\\u201d is a buzz word for some, a dirty word for others, and simply a reality for many people here at AUMC. The word speaks to the season of \\u201ctaking apart\\u201d one\\u2019s faith, and at AUMC, we include the word \\u201creconstruction\\u201d as the natural next step. This is not a one-size-fits-all process; in fact, as we will learn this week, every journey is unique and sacred in its own way. This week, Pastor Cathy will weave various stories from AUMC members who know what it\\u2019s like to walk the \\u201cconstructive\\u201d path, wherever that may lead them.
