Resurrecting Faith (Week 5)

Published: May 9, 2021, 9:44 p.m.

This morning’s scriptures tell us that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with everything you've got. Jesus continues, the second is commandment "is like" it - a logical equivalency. If A, then B. If you love God…really love God, you also love your neighbor as yourself. This is what Wesley refers to as both personal and social holiness. From one relationship flows the other and the two are inseparable. The light that comes from loving God allows us to be a light in someone else’s darkness. It is our very nature to be the light of the world. Another logical equivalency is your “likeness” to God. If God is holy, therefore you too are holy. It only takes a single candle can drive the darkness away. So, the only real question is how does your candle shine? Shine on, Arapaho, and let the love of God be the match that lights the flame.