Is it Time to Forgive Each Other Our Pandemic Sins?

Published: June 9, 2023, 2:33 a.m.

Apologetics Live episode 200 Pastor Jim Osman will join us to discuss an article from Christianity Today that claims it is time to forgive each other our pandemic sins. Is it really that easy? But first they discuss a Christian street evanglenist that was arrested for saying, "God" and a pride event. Resources mentioned: Christian arrested in Reading Pennsylvania at a Pride March Reading Man Arrested for Quoting Bible in Public It’s Time to Forgive Each Other Our Pandemic Sins LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us Write us a review and tell us how we are doing. Fill out our suvery about this show. Sponsors: Logos Bible Software MyPillow or call (800) 873-0176 and use promo SFE