Animal Radio Episode 966

Published: June 8, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

Rap King to TrapKing
The TrapKing Sterling Davis spreads the word about Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) and his approach to educating and engaging different demographics while ending the "crazy cat lady" stereotype! "Gotta let the fellas know, you don't lose cool points for compassion."
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Could Your Pet's GPS Leak Sensitive Information?
Smart collars and other devices for animals that track their locations are very popular now. However, the problem, according to Kaspersky Lab, is that these tracking devices can leak sensitive information. The pet-tracker class of connected gadgets adds one more layer of vulnerability, but calling attention to the flaws could be a wake-up call to the manufacturers.
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Don't Lease a Pet!
Buying a pet at a pet store can end up costing twice what it says on the price tag if you are lured into signing a pet-leasing contract. Pet leasing has been drawing scrutiny from lawmakers and animal welfare groups since last year highlighted many consumer complaints against Reno, Nevada-based Wags Lending, which pioneered the practice of loans to lease pets. And if you stop making payments, the company has the right to take your animal back and ding your credit score.
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Music Calms The Savage Beast
Multi-platinum musician Terry Woodford's Canine Lullabies are being played in over 2500 rescue and shelter facilities. The results are quite remarkable. The music, with a heartbeat in the mix, reduces anxiety and comforts sick animals.
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It's Allergy Season
Did you know your dog could be allergic to cats? Did you know your cat could be allergic to YOU? Many pet owners are dealing with animals that have seasonal or food allergies. Dr. Debbie has some ideas for when you've tried everything else to comfort your pet.
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