Animal Radio Episode 861

Published: June 3, 2016, 7:03 p.m.

Diseases your dog can give youDiseases Your Pet Can Give You
Doc Halligan has some creepy news about Zoonotic disease that humans can get from their cats, dogs and even turtles. While the good doctor doesn't want you to be scared of your pet, she says it's good to be aware of the risks. And pregnant women....listen up!

The Misunderstood Pit-Bull
The youthful and charismatic Bronwen Dickey has made her fight about the Pit-Bull. The years of research that went into her new book easily qualifies her as an expert on the breed that is banned from many big U.S. cities.

Cloned DogsCloning Logistics
Now that Viagen Pets is cloning companion animals right here in the U.S., lots of people have questions. Viagen Pets' Melain Rodriguez covers some Frequently Asked Questions and talks about the logistics behind genetic preservation, the first step in the process of cloning an animal.

Service Animal Fraud
There are now laws in many states making misrepresentation of a service animal a crime. For example, in Florida, the penalty carries a $500 fine and up to 60 days in jail. Lori Brooks will tell you how to spot a true service dog and what questions establishments are allowed to ask you if you have a service animal.

Drug May Slow Down A Dog's Aging Process
Slowing the aging process in dogsAn ongoing study out of the University of Washington now hopes to gain insight on the drug Rapamycin (which is used to prevent organ transplant rejection in humans) and its ability to slow down aging in canines. Researchers will follow 10,000 companion dogs of all kinds, as they age - not in labs, but dogs that actually live with their owners at home.

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