Animal Radio Episode 833

Published: Nov. 20, 2015, 6:05 p.m.

John O'Hurley is Back
Co-host of NBC's Thanksgiving Day National Dog Show; actor John O'Hurley (J. Peterman on Seinfeld) is back for the 14th year to share fun stories about the dogs in his life. He'll also take a stab at pronouncing the new breed names in this year's Thanksgiving Day show.

Country Star Tanya Tucker Guests
Musician Tanya Tucker joins the Thanksgiving celebration live from Nashville. She has a menagerie of animals and plenty of anecdotes to go around. This is the first time for her on Animal Radio…we'll be gentle. But this ain't her first rodeo.

Banning Shock Collars
The Scottish government is asking residents there for their opinions on electric shock collars, used to train cats and dogs, and if they believe the collars should be banned. Wales, Sweden, Denmark and Germany have already banned shock collars, but supporters of them say they can be used successfully as a last resort - and have compared the pain inflicted to a static shock. Meanwhile, shock-collars are still legal in the United States; the usefulness is still in question. Sometimes a dog will "take the hit" if his/her drive is high.

My Cat from Hell
Animal Planet host, Jackson Galaxy is back to yap about his awesome new book. Jackson and Kate (his partner in crime) will show you how to make your house cat-friendly without forsaking aesthetics.

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