Animal Radio® Episode 604

Published: July 1, 2011, 4:47 p.m.

Sheep Discovers Cancer
Emma Turner says her pet sheep, Alfie, was the first one to detect that she had breast cancer. Turner says Alfie just started butting her in the chest over and over. A bruise eventually developed, and she subsequently discovered a lump on her breast.

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks
92 year old Martin Levin says all he knows about management he learned from his Dog! Levin started Law School at 62 and passed the bar at 65! Now he's chronicled his life in his book.

Having a Safe 4th
Our dogs don't enjoy the fireworks like we do. Sometimes it's just better to leave them inside with some music and treats. We even have some tips for calming the savage beast.

The Attack of the Killer Foxtails
WTF! Foxtails again? These things are everywhere. And they can cause our pets all kinds of problems including abscesses and infection. Dr. Debbie uncovers the truths about these buggers.

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